I do not know what it is about my central heating and air conditioning system, but birds always like to sit on it and take a dump on it in the spring time months of the year. I mean, I do know that birds do this kind of thing all of the time. But why not on my car or my windows? They always seem to find comfort in going to the bathroom on my central heating and air conditioning system unit! I do not like it one bit because I have to then go outside with the water hose and power wash it off! Unless of course we have some kind of rain. Then I can go head and just let the wild rain do all the power washing of my central heating and air conditioning system after the birds take their dumps on it! I had thought about possibly going out and buying a tarp for my central heating and air conditioning system so they can just do their thing on that and then I can just throw it in the wash and have a nice easy cleaning. Because having to get the water hose and drag it all the way down to where my central heating and air conditioning system is can be a real pain in the rear a lot of the time. It is a lot of work all together. But whatever the case, this is the facts and this is what is going on with my central heating and air conditioning system and the lovely birds.