Central air conditioning systems need to work hard in climates that are very hot and humid. People in these climates tend to overuse their air conditioning systems. This would not be such a bad thing, were it not for the fact that many of these same people do not give the HVAC system the attention that it needs to continue to provide them with quality climate control throughout a reasonably long life cycle. Long story short, many people just don’t seem to realize how much attention and care a central heating and air conditioning system requires to function optimally. They just assume that they will always have the air conditioner working as it should. It’s something that’s just in the background that you don’t think about. You just change the temperature on the thermostat when you start to feel uncomfortable and just assume that you can always rely on your air conditioner. Well, I have learned that that is not a good way to go about things. I really baby my HVAC system, because I want to get the best quality climate control for the longest possible time that I can! I’ve got an HVAC service plan that I’ve signed up for that gives me all sorts of discounts and regular checkups and tune-ups to make sure that everything is in perfect working order throughout the year. I even invested in a dehumidifier to work in conjunction with my AC, as the humidity around here could be quite stifling on a regular basis. I just bet that my air conditioner will give me at least 15 years of service at this rate!