I think that I’m going to be saving money on cleaning sprays, candles, and air fresheners soon because I finally gave up and talked to the HVAC company that’s down the street. I called and asked them what in the world I could do to get the terrible odors and long lasting smells out of my ventilation system. The HVAC technician who answered the phone that day laughed at me. Then he asked me if I had teenage boys living in my house. That cracked me up, because the whole problem with the smells in my house is directly linked to my three teenage boys who live in the house with me. They all play sports and they all have sweaty clothes and jerseys, stinky socks piled up everywhere, muddy, smelly cleats, and sweaty bodies! It’s no wonder that my house smells bad. The problem is that the indoor air quality in the house gets bad whenever the heating and cooling system runs. It’s gotten to the point that I dread hearing the furnace or the air conditioning system turn on during the day or when I am trying to sleep because I know that the whole house is going to start smelling bad soon! Anyway, I have been buying tons of candles and air fresheners and cleaning sprays because of the stench. I feel like I have been spending a small fortune on things like that. Whenever I get the whole home air purification system installed and a nice fresh HEPA air filter put in, this place is going to smell a million times better!