Sounding like old man over thermostat

When I heard her say but it’s only air conditioning, I sort of smiled inside

Every now and again, I definitely sound just like my old man. Were he around to hear me admit that, he’d be overjoyed. That’s because when he would holler at me for messing with the thermostat, I was always like but it’s only air conditioning. His response was always the same. He’d put the thermostat setting back where he wanted it first. Then, he’d threaten me with big trouble if I moved it again. Of course, I would repeat that it’s only air conditioning and he’d launch into the costs of taking care of a family. Once the sermon would come to a close, he would tell me to just wait until I had a family of my own. Well, dad left us way too early but at least he got to see two of his three grandchildren get born. He was so proud of me being a homeowner and a family man. But he’d sure get a kick out of hearing me holler at my own kids when it comes to the thermostat setting. For sure, dad was spot on when it comes to all it takes to provide for a family. And this generation has a bunch of added costs mine didn’t. So I have to be so on top of all our household costs in order to maintain the household budget and keep us out of the red. It was really funny the other day when my daughter used the line on me that I once used on my dad. When I heard her say but it’s only air conditioning, I sort of smiled inside. I could just feel my dad laughing his head off because I now know exactly what he was talking about.


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