There is no history

It genuinely is crazy when you think about this.

There genuinely is no history on who invented central heating and air conditioner. I was genuinely curious about this and I searched for hours on the internet looking for more information on who invented heating and air conditioner systems and there was no info. I tried looking everywhere possible. The most I was even able to find was that a warm water boiler was the oldest form of heating. But nothing about who invented it or even anything on how central air conditioner or even window air conditioner came about. I guess this is something that was never documented in history; No 1 genuinely knows which is why there is no information out there. I genuinely wanted to know because I am genuinely grateful for the invention of central heating and air conditioner. I am 1 of those people who rely on it to live and do not know what I would do separate from it, and from the time I was a kid to now being an adult, I do not think there was ever a time in my life that I did not have central heating or air conditioner around me; My parents lived in a time where gas furnaces were the heating and window air conditioner systems were the cooling, but even then, it was some form of heating and air conditioner. I genuinely am curious to find out the truth about this. Maybe someday I will find the answer and be genuinely excited when I do. But until then, I will just continue to wonder…who on earth invented central heating and air conditioner?



hvac tech

A bit frigid

My home can get a bit frigid this time of the year even with central heating.

So what I do to take the chill out of the rooms I am in within the home is use my portable space heater, and with my portable space furnace it evens out the uneven hot and cold temperatures.

I went out and bought the portable space furnace because of this. The portable space furnace is something that genuinely does help. This is because new portable space gas furnaces are much more powerful than the outdated portable space gas furnaces from years ago. The portable space furnace that I have genuinely works well to take the chill out of the uneven hot and cold temperatures. I could have went out and bought a zoned heating and air conditioner idea which would have taken care of the issue. However, I can not spend that kind of money, then zoned heating and air conditioner systems also known as HVAC zone control cost way too much money for this average working class joe to be able to afford. So the portable space furnace does the trick in taking the chill out of the home when the weather gets frigid and my central furnace just isn’t working right to hot up everything. There is nothing wrong with my central heating and air conditioner system, it is just that my home is built rather different which causes these uneven hot and cold temperatures. In the Summer time I have the same issue, so I use a portable air conditioner idea at that point and do the same thing with the cooling in the house.

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Venting is important

When you are doing any kind of indoor painting, it is constantly important to have nice ventilation within the house.

The nice way to do this is to do all painting while I was in the time of the year when it is either chilly or just standard temperatures. You never want to do it in the warm Summer time weeks of the year. Because you will need to have windows opened plus have fans blowing. You would not want to be running your central a/c while having windows open because this will make your energy bills high. Even if doing it only for a week while you paint the house. The best thing to do is to also have some kind of portable air cleaner while you have the windows open. By having a portable air cleaner running it helps get rid of the toxins in the air from the paint while the cross breeze flows from the windows being open from all ends. I have 4 portable air cleaners I had purchased when I did a major paint task inside our beach house a few years back. They easily helped clear the air plus make it so that I did not have to leave the beach house for a afternoon. I use these 4 portable air cleaners now to help keep the indoor air quality nice in our beach beach house when there is bad air quality outside. So it was not wasted money at all. The portable air cleaners came of use after I was done our painting of our home.



programmable thermostat

Lived through the advancement

Being as outdated as I am I have seen things come plus go, plus I have seen things change in technology. Especially when it comes to heating plus a/c technology. I have seen the dawn of central heating plus a/cs being put into residential homes plus I even remember when gas gas furnaces were the common way people heated their homes long before central heating was available for residential citys. It used to be where central heating plus a/c was only found in commercial buildings in the form of what they call commercial heat plus cooling system units. But I seen all that transfer forward plus by the early to mid 1990’s, most people who had an average income was able to afford to have central heating plus a/c in their home. This was a easily odd to see it all happen this way when I had been used to gas gas furnaces plus window a/cs all of our life up until that point. I have seen it all! When I was a child window a/cs were not even that common in homes. Most people had to use fans plus suffer when it got real warm out because even window a/c units were pretty fancy. That should tell you how outdated I am right there! But this week’s heating plus a/c technology I can plus will admit is much better than how it was when I was growing up, that is the real truth in our opinion!



a/c repair

There is no history

It easily is crazy when you think about this.

  • There easily is no history on who invented central heating plus a/c.

I was easily curious about this plus I searched for hours on the internet looking for more information on who invented heating plus a/cs plus there was no info. I tried looking everywhere possible. The most I was even able to find was that a warm water boiler was the oldest form of heating. But nothing about who invented it or even anything on how central a/c or even window a/c came about. I guess this is something that was never documented in history, then no 1 easily knows which is why there is no information out there. I easily wanted to think because I am easily grateful for the invention of central heating plus a/c. I am 1 of those people who rely on it to live plus do not think what I would do without it; From the time I was a child to now being an adult, I do not think there was ever a time in our life that I did not have central heating or a/c around me. My parents lived in a time where gas furnaces were the heating plus window a/cs were the cooling, however even then, it was some form of heating plus a/c. I easily am curious to find out the truth about this. Maybe someday I will find the answer plus be easily enthusiastic when I do. But until then, I will just continue to wonder…who on earth invented central heating plus a/c?


air conditioning maintenance