I didn’t take care of the air ducts

It seems like our modern world can make life much harder than it really should be.

Didn’t we all believe that robots were going to take over the tasks that we didn’t want to complete anymore, at some point in time? Where are our robot servants to take some of the pressure off our plates? I’m growing very tired of trying to act like a human being without the help of more automated systems to make it a possibility.

This is one of the reasons why I’m a firm believer that air ducts should no longer exist, or they need to be cleaned and maintained automatically as part of the HVAC system. I know, this sounds like a space age idea, but let me tell you what happens when you’re too busy for regular heating, cooling, and air quality control system appointments and you have extensive ductwork running through your home – you get a big mess. I learned this the hard way when I let my heating and cooling machinery run wild. I never worried about the AC or the forced air furnace, and I certainly never even considered the fact that ductwork was responsible for their full functionality. That is, until it was too late. When I couldn’t get my energy efficient HVAC system to stop wasting all my cash on high energy bills each month and the temperatures were always uneven in my home, I finally called an HVAC professional. He told me that my air ducts were filled with holes and all the treated air had to be escaping out of the air channels. Furthermore, they were filled to the brim with dust and debri. He was shocked that my heating and cooling devices worked at all. Now, I’m working on making the world’s first air duct roomba to save everyone the HVAC struggle I endured.


hvac repair jacksonville fl

The wait for a new heating and cooling system

I wasn’t excited about selling the house.

I made this clear from the beginning, but we were in an extraordinary housing market; it would’ve been dumb not to sell.

But now that I’m living in a rented duplex with substandard heating and cooling, I desperately want my house back! What makes it harder is the fact our home was perfect when we sold it. To get the most amount of money, my family made some large upgrades, including replacing our heating and air conditioning system. The one we installed had the latest technology; extremely efficient with a high SEER rating. I was surprised how much our energy costs went down after it was installed. It came with a smart control, and zone-controlled heating and cooling – meaning there were five independently-controlled zones in the house! It was quite the set-up. We had the HVAC installed before renovating our living room, so I atleast got to enjoy the benefits for a period before the house went up for sale. Now, our family is in a holding pattern. Down-sizing our belongings was critical and our new home has served that purpose. The lack of quality heating and cooling is motivating my wife and I to find our next home, one with a system as nice as the one we left!


heating and cooling

Don’t forget to watch the Heating as well as Air Conditioning condensate

I try to cover my bases; it’s true, and sometimes I do this too much.

  • That’s how I was raised; I’d rather be prepared for a situation.

I worry too much about little things, but when it comes to problems around the house, there’s no such thing as little problems. Heating and air conditioning are an example. I rely on an HVAC for my family’s needs. To that end, I work relentlessly to ensure it’s in good shape. I change the filter regularly and have an HVAC repair plan – a very good idea because I don’t have to set up appointments. They come out for the heating in the fall, and, when spring is blossoming, they come for the air conditioning. Along with keeping up with my HVAC chores, I watch the system condensate. This is the moisture that comes from the condensation in the equipment. Normally, it runs out of the drain line away from the house with no problem. However, it’s wise to make sure that the drain line is cleared at least once a year. A backup could cause water damage wherever the system is in the house. You’re better safe than sorry!



heating and cooling orchard park ny

Good air at a great cost

Getting a good deal is something I like.

I love getting my money’s worth while getting something that works efficiently.

That’s how it is with my car. It’s not much to look at, but it’s very reliable and I’ve gotten my money out of it. It gets such good gas mileage. I feel the same about my HVAC equipment. Where my wife and I live, the most popular system is a heat pump. Winters are mild so we don’t need much heat, but we need all the air conditioning we can get during our long, sticky summers. So, I have always tried to get the best deal and efficiency as I can out of the air conditioner. It gets an inspection in the spring. Having an HVAC professional perform essential work ensures it will perform at its best. From there, it’s up to me. I can’t just set it low and walk away. That’s wasteful for several reasons! I program it to go up in the morning when the temperature is rising and down at night before bedtime, so my family and I have a cool bed to sleep in. It’s not rocket science but it takes a little attention to get the most of the HVAC in the summer. It’s wise to do it in a way that doesn’t cost a lot of money.


HAVC system

Winter preparations are important, especially with heating and AC

If something’s wrong, I want time to fix it, instead of having to rush a repair

I’d rather be over-prepared than caught with my long underwear dropped when winter weather hits. This is what motivates me to prepare for winter before it arrives, and it’s the deal around here. Our winters are long, snowy, and blustery cold, so it’s too late to deal with heating issues after the bottom falls out of the thermometer! So, I work during the summer and fall to prepare for winter weather in the coming weeks. My family has a good gas furnace that heats our home thoroughly. Before there’s even a hint of winter, I make sure the HVAC professionals come out to check it. If something’s wrong, I want time to fix it, instead of having to rush a repair. The furnace does a good job for us; we also have a backup heating source, an old-fashioned wood stove that helps us in the event of a power outage. I also have a plastic cover that goes over our HVAC, which keeps ice and the weight of snow off the delicate parts of our equipment, along with the fan.

