We are buying a wall mounted HVAC unit for the great room

We decided a few days ago that we want to get a wall mounted HVAC unit for the great room here in the house. Ever since we moved in here three years ago, we have been having issues with the heating and cooling system in the great room. The indoor air quality in the great room has never been great, no pun intended. We have had issues in there during the winter and during the summer and I think it’s because of the giant windows that look out on the backyard. When you have giant windows like that, it creates a little bit of a greenhouse effect during the summer, and so the great room starts heating up in the afternoon. Usually by the time evening rules around, it is stifling and hot in there. During the winter, we end up with the opposite problem. That room is always freezing cold and nobody even wants to go in there. Unfortunately, that is where I always want to set up the Christmas tree because it is the best place for it in the house. I talked to an HVAC technician a couple of weeks ago and he told us that he would suggest that we put in a wall mounted ductless mini split heating and cooling system in that room. I didn’t even know that those existed until he mentioned it. At this point, I am willing to try anything so hopefully this will work out for us! We are going to have them come and install it for us in a couple of weeks.


furnace filter

Over the winter, an icicle broke our exterior A/C unit

That is not something that I am willing to deal with because it gets really hot around here during the summers! It isn’t really warm yet, but the temperature is heating up more and more all the time

Over the winter, a huge icicle on the eaves on the back of our garage broke off and fell down. Unfortunately, on the way down, it also fell right into our exterior A/C unit. When I first realized that this had happened, I could not even believe it! This was just my luck. Weird things like this happen to me all the time. It always ends up costing me a lot of money and repairs, too. It’s so annoying. Sometimes I just wish that things would just be normal around my house once in a while. Anyway, when I went back there and noticed that the A/C unit was all bent up and warped, I didn’t even realize what had happened at first. It literally looked like someone had come and beaten my cooling unit with a baseball bat or something. I knew that that was not the case, though, because we do not have any enemies around here! I thought about it for a long time and that’s when I realized what had actually happened. Now, we are going to have to buy a new exterior air conditioning unit or we are not going to have any air conditioning in the house during the summer. That is not something that I am willing to deal with because it gets really hot around here during the summers! It isn’t really warm yet, but the temperature is heating up more and more all the time. Some of the flowers are coming up in my yard, so I know that we are going to have to get this cooling system situation fixed sooner rather than later.


geothermal heat pump

The HVAC system tearing up really spurred me into action

I have been putting off moving in with my long distance boyfriend for about two years now. He keeps asking me and I just keep saying no to him. I never wanted to live with anyone else after my divorce, and I promised myself that I never would. However, I never thought that I would meet anyone like my longtime boyfriend Dave, either. He was different from all of the other guys that I ever met. I could really talk to him and he seemed to understand. No other guy that I’ve ever been with has ever been that way. My ex seemed more like an alien to me than anything else there toward the end of our marriage. My boyfriend now is a really great guy. I think that he is going to be great to live with now I have decided to do it. He says that it’s funny that he finally talked me into moving in with him because of my broken HVAC unit. When it stopped working, I was so annoyed that I decided that I was not going to pay to get it fixed. Instead, I decided to put my entire house up for sale! And that’s when I told my boyfriend that I was coming to move in with him after all. He said that he didn’t care why I said that I would do it, but he was just glad that I was going to! I knew that he had a brand new high efficiency heating and cooling system installed in his house, too. Not only that, but he also has a whole home air purification system. I think that it’s going to be great living with him after all.

cooling technician

I’ll be saving money soon with the air purification system

I think that I’m going to be saving money on cleaning sprays, candles, and air fresheners soon because I finally gave up and talked to the HVAC company that’s down the street. I called and asked them what in the world I could do to get the terrible odors and long lasting smells out of my ventilation system. The HVAC technician who answered the phone that day laughed at me. Then he asked me if I had teenage boys living in my house. That cracked me up, because the whole problem with the smells in my house is directly linked to my three teenage boys who live in the house with me. They all play sports and they all have sweaty clothes and jerseys, stinky socks piled up everywhere, muddy, smelly cleats, and sweaty bodies! It’s no wonder that my house smells bad. The problem is that the indoor air quality in the house gets bad whenever the heating and cooling system runs. It’s gotten to the point that I dread hearing the furnace or the air conditioning system turn on during the day or when I am trying to sleep because I know that the whole house is going to start smelling bad soon! Anyway, I have been buying tons of candles and air fresheners and cleaning sprays because of the stench. I feel like I have been spending a small fortune on things like that. Whenever I get the whole home air purification system installed and a nice fresh HEPA air filter put in, this place is going to smell a million times better!

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I get really bad headaches without air conditioning

Without air conditioning, I get really awful headaches during the summertime.

Whenever the weather starts heating up, that’s when I always know that it’s time to get the air conditioning up and running again.

If I don’t have an air conditioning system that is functioning correctly, then I know that I am going to be in big trouble in no time at all. I just don’t do well without the air conditioning and it’s one of those things that is not really just a luxury for me. It’s something that I have to have all the time during the summer. Some people say that I am just spoiled because I don’t like to be in places where there isn’t any A/C, but I don’t think that is the case at all. I say to let those people get the same headaches that I get when there isn’t any air conditioning, and then they will know how I feel. I would much prefer to be hot without a headache than to be cold without one, but it is what it is at this point. I think that it probably has something to do with my hormones, but I don’t know for sure. What I do know is that it is time to call up the local heating and cooling company so that I can make an appointment for an air conditioning tune up. If I don’t have an air conditioner that is working in the next few weeks, then there is going to be a problem! I’m not very nice when I have a headache!

indoor comfort business