HVAC units work hard in the heat

Central air conditioning systems need to work hard in climates that are very hot and humid. People in these climates tend to overuse their air conditioning systems. This would not be such a bad thing, were it not for the fact that many of these same people do not give the HVAC system the attention that it needs to continue to provide them with quality climate control throughout a reasonably long life cycle. Long story short, many people just don’t seem to realize how much attention and care a central heating and air conditioning system requires to function optimally. They just assume that they will always have the air conditioner working as it should. It’s something that’s just in the background that you don’t think about. You just change the temperature on the thermostat when you start to feel uncomfortable and just assume that you can always rely on your air conditioner. Well, I have learned that that is not a good way to go about things. I really baby my HVAC system, because I want to get the best quality climate control for the longest possible time that I can! I’ve got an HVAC service plan that I’ve signed up for that gives me all sorts of discounts and regular checkups and tune-ups to make sure that everything is in perfect working order throughout the year. I even invested in a dehumidifier to work in conjunction with my AC, as the humidity around here could be quite stifling on a regular basis. I just bet that my air conditioner will give me at least 15 years of service at this rate!

More about air conditioning

Boss finally replaced the A/C

There was a wall mounted air conditioner system in my office’s conference room that always seemed to have something or another wrong with it.

It became the butt of many jokes throughout the office.

HVAC technicians would come in for 15 minutes at a time at regular intervals, but there always seemed to be persisting problems with the HVAC system. One day, we got sick of the fact that once again, it was blowing hot air instead of cold air, so we talked to our boss about the air conditioner and asked him why it kept breaking down. He did not want to admit it, but we later found out that the system was very old and on its way out for quite some time, but he did not want to pony up the money to replace it. It took us complaining to him directly for him to replace it, though. The very next Monday that we came in for a meeting in the conference room there was a brand new model of air conditioner in the room. The air conditioner worked very nicely throughout that week. We felt a clear and distinct difference in how cool it was in the conference room. Trouble was, the air conditioner developed a refrigerant leak the very next week! I don’t know what it is with this place and air conditioners breaking down, but it’s getting old! The leak was addressed, but I really hope that the hole was genuinely patched and the HVAC technician did not simply recharge the freon without plugging the hole in the refrigerant line.

Home owner solutions

My buddy has the boiler blues and is keeping him busy all week

My buddy, John, has been having a tough time with his boiler lately.

My buddy is a hardworking and dedicated employee at a heating company, and it’s rare for him to have free time.

But when he does, we usually enjoy playing music and soccer together. Sadly, this week it has been impossible for us to meet due to the situation with his boiler. John spends his working days recommending heat and AC products and helping customers pick the perfect heater or furnace for their homes. My buddy has been putting off fixing his boiler for months because he said he didn’t have the time, but now he knows he can´t procrastinate any longer. Yesterday I talked to him over the phone, and he told me he had managed to contact a reputable heating provider that specializes in boiler installation. He told me he was stressed about juggling the issue with his boiler with his job at the heating company, and that it was important for him to purchase a high-quality hot water boiler so he doesn’t have to deal with these sorts of issues again. I noticed in his voice that he wasn’t the John I was accustomed to. He was a bundle of nerves, but I assured him that everything would be fine and that all he had to do was let the heating technician explain everything to him and let him get on with the boiler installation process. This seemed to somewhat relax him, and he even ended up admitting that getting a new boiler isn’t such a serious and daunting prospect as he had initially thought.

Commercial air conditioning system

Keeping cool in the heat thanks to quality HVAC

It’s not even summer yet, and there has already been an announcement that the country has entered a long-duration drought, along with alerts for wildfires nationwide.

The heat has made my life difficult, and the dry spell has been going on for weeks.

Yesterday, in particular, the air was thick and stifling, and the only relief I could find was by going into my car and turning on the air conditioning. I never thought I would go on a hiking trip in the spring and suffer from this kind of weather, but that’s climate change for you. I’ve recently found out that the demand for HVAC systems has risen considerably over the last couple of weeks. In fact, the demand for cooling systems is so overwhelming that HVAC providers are struggling to keep up and are running out of equipment. As climate change continues to affect the frequency and severity of extreme weather events, it’s becoming increasingly important to have quality HVAC equipment in our homes. So, after enduring the scorching heat of the past few weeks, I decided to finally purchase a zone-controlled HVAC system, which regulates and redirects air to specific areas of the home, allowing me to choose the temperature I want in each room. To make it a sustainable option, I plan to install solar panels on my roof to power my air conditioner. This way, I can take full advantage of the extra sun, cut on energy bills, and minimize the environmental impact.
Find more info here

Last cooling system story

I will finish this article and be done for the day with my writing.

After I finish this I will chill for a bit with my cats and then do an hour meditation session with my flatmate, followed by a 20 minute yoga session and then a nap for an hour or so before heading out to play music in the street.

We will play at this church later where there are a lot of tourists and we will make some money in the process, which is an added plus to doing something so fun. I work tomorrow for the HVAC company and then I am going to come home and clean my furnace filter and be done with that for another six months. It is almost May now and we will be entering the hot months for the next four months or so till the temps start to drop and winter comes back again. I’ll clean my HEPA filter later this week and get the air conditioner ready to roll and keep us cool for the coming hot summer days. I ran it last night for the first time this year and it felt good to sleep in a cool room as the temps are starting to creep up to the warm zone at night. My room is small so having some climate control in the summer is a must, and even now I am finding I have to use it even though it is not even summer yet. I will just run it at night though because our flat is cool most of the day.
New air conditioning