He was afraid to work in the AC unit.

Last week, we had some heavy downpours with vivid lightning and booming thunder.

Every time the thunder boomed, our dog run under the bed and my son was right behind him. The lightning sounded like it was hitting every tree, and getting closer to our home. I couldn’t believe the HVAC technician hadn’t called and let us know he would not be there to work on the air conditioning unit. I was worried about him out there in this thunder storm, since the AC unit was metal. I worried the lightning would strike while he was in the AC unit and he would get struck. About ten minutes before he was to arrive, he called to let us know he wasn’t coming that day. He said he was afraid to work in the AC unit with all the thunder and lightning and promised he would be there the following day. I had been without air conditioning for two days now, and I didn’t want to go without it for much longer. I sucked it up and turned on all the fans in the house, until the power went off. I was now without air conditioning and I didn’t have a fan to help keep me cool. I wondered why I hadn’t insisted the HVAC technician arrived until another flash of lightning and a crack of thunder split the skies. All I could do was wait until the storm was over, hope the power would come back on, and the HVAC technician kept to his work and showed up to fix the air conditioner the next day.


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Maybe I’ll find something good about the HVAC technician.

When my sister was planning her wedding, I begged her to wait a while.

I didn’t like her fiance, and I didn’t think he was good enough for her.

For the first three years they were together, he had never had a job. Anywhere they went, she was paying, and I didn’t think this was right. She reminded me ‌I paid mostly when my husband and I went out, but that was different. We were both working, and we shared our money. It wasn’t just my money I was spending, but ours. My husband paid all the big bills and saved for big purchases and vacations. I paid the small household bills and spent the rest on whatever I wanted. She insisted she was doing the same thing, but I didn’t believe her. Before they got married, her fiance graduated from HVAC school and was hired by the local HVAC company. I hadn’t changed my mind about him, but I was hoping to find something good about the HVAC technician he had become. Even though I didn’t like him, my husband thought he was an okay guy. He asked my soon-to-be brother-in-law to work on our air conditioning unit. I promised my husband I would try to find something about him ‌I could like. The entire time he was working on our air conditioning unit, I was talking to him and learning more about him. He told me he knew I didn’t like him for not working, but he had been going to school and taking care of his father. I learned so much about him I ended up liking him and had to call my sister.

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I tried to talk him out of taking over the ownership.

When my partner said he wanted to take ownership of the HVAC company, I thought he was kidding.

I knew the owner was getting older, and he was ready to retire.

He had asked two of his best HVAC techs if they wanted to buy the company from him. Brandon and I discussed him taking ownership, but I didn’t like the idea. He was already gone more than he was home, and I knew it would be worse if he owned the company. He took my hand and reminded me that this was his dream, and he looked into my eyes. I had gone to college for web design and he said he had a job in the company for me, that would keep me close to his side all the time. He wanted a full-time employee that could work on the computer, keep the books straight, and design a beautiful website for the company. I really didn’t like the idea of him taking ownership of an HVAC company and I continued trying to talk him out of it. After a week of his pleading with me, he told me he had already started the paperwork to take over. He hoped he could convince me to be happy for him, but he didn’t think it was going to happen. If I wasn’t happy with him following his dream, he thought he had found the wrong person to spend his life with. After dinner, I found him in the basement, looking at his paperwork. I gave him a hug and asked him how much he was going to pay me for his web design, and if I was going to be salary or hourly?

cooling industry

It’s easy to love the HVAC technician but not like his job.(Always on call)

I found it was easy to love my HVAC tech, but I didn’t like his job

From the first time I laid eyes on my husband, I knew he was the guy for me. I remembered seeing a rock formation when I was six-years-old and telling my mom I was going to marry him. The rock formation formed the face of an Indian, and whenever I talked about it, it was the Indian in the mountain. Twenty years later, I had just bought my house and was having a new HVAC system installed. The HVAC technician got out of his service van, and I almost swooned. His profile was the same Indian in the mountain I saw when I was six. John walked up to the door and showed me his HVAC company ID. When he introduced himself, I couldn’t talk. I had been in love with this man for over twenty years, and I finally met him. Before he left, he gave me an odd look and asked if we had met before. I told him I had known him almost my entire life and told him the story. Luckily, my HVAC system was the last HVAC call he had for the rest of the day because we sat at my kitchen table and talked for the next five hours. When my stomach growled, we made dinner together. John is still an HVAC technician, and we have been married for ten years. We got married six weeks after the meeting. I found it was easy to love my HVAC tech, but I didn’t like his job. At least once a week, he is running out in the middle of the night to repair someone’s AC unit or furnace. He told me I had to expect it now that we owned the HVAC company.

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I loved my husband, but I wasn’t visiting him until he had an apartment with AC.

My husband worked out of state, and he was gone for two weeks at a time.

  • Since we had kids, I didn’t want to uproot them from their school and friends, so he got an apartment in the city where he was working.

Every weekend, I would head to the city to spend time with my husband, and once a month, he would come home to be with the kids. It was difficult, but we made it work until last month. I got to his apartment and the air conditioning was broken. It was so uncomfortable that we ended up going to a hotel for the night. I asked if the landlord was repairing the air conditioning and he said no one could get in touch with him. I was really upset because we couldn’t afford a hotel for all of us for the three-day weekend, and we couldn’t stay in the apartment. The kids were fourteen and fifteen, and complaining was their favorite thing to do. Not having air conditioning made them even more miserable, which I didn’t blame them for. Even my husband and I were miserable. He promised that by the end of the month, either the AC would be repaired or he would be in a different apartment. We splurged and spent the three-day weekend at a resort hotel. The kids had a swimming pool and a game room to lounge in and we had air conditioning. I was so glad we could make this work, because I really missed my husband, but the air conditioning is a must.

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